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if these walls could talk 2中文是什么意思

用"if these walls could talk 2"造句"if these walls could talk 2"怎么读"if these walls could talk 2" in a sentence


  • 爱你钟情
  • 你的生命我的决定2
  • 女人泡女人
  • 如果墙会说话2
  • "if"中文翻译     If they had only arriv ...
  • "these"中文翻译    n. 〔德语〕纲领;提纲。
  • "wall"中文翻译    wall2 演戏般转动(眼睛)。
  • "could"中文翻译     (can 的过去式) 1.〔特殊用例〕打算,要,想。 ...
  • "talk"中文翻译    vi. 谈话,商谈,(用动作等)表示意思;(用无线电)通 ...
  • "if these walls could talk" 中文翻译 :    你的生命我的决定; 如果墙壁会说话; 如果墙会说话
  • "if walls could talk" 中文翻译 :    以墙述情
  • "if beale street could talk" 中文翻译 :    假如比尔能说话
  • "if the wall could talk" 中文翻译 :    如果墙壁会说话
  • "we could be the talk across the town" 中文翻译 :    我们会成为城里的大八卦
  • "walls" 中文翻译 :    路雪; 瓦尔斯; 沃尔斯
  • "could" 中文翻译 :     (can 的过去式) 1.〔特殊用例〕打算,要,想。 I could laugh for joy. 我高兴得想笑。 Really I could not think of it. 真的那是我不愿意考虑的。 I couldn't think of allowing it. 我没有允许的意思。 ★could 与感觉动词连用时,表示“要,想”,与一般动词连用而表示“能够”时,为避免与“要,想”混淆起见,通例不说 could 而改说 was [were] able to, 若所指行动须经过努力或会遇到困难,则通例不说 could 而改说 managed to, succeeded in -ing.例:I could do it=I was able to do it. He could reach the top of the mountain. =He managed to reach [succeeded in reaching] the top of the mountain. 2.〔用于假设语气的条件句〕 if I could 〔现在〕假定可能的话(但事实上不可能)。 if I could have done so 〔过去〕假定做到了(但事实上没有做到)。 3.〔用于虚拟语气的结论句〕 I could if I would. 〔现在〕假定我要做就可以做到〔但事实上不打算做〕。I could have done it. 〔过去〕假定我本来是可以做到的〔但未做〕。
  • "could be" 中文翻译 :    可能是吧; 可能是的吧
  • "could it be" 中文翻译 :    可能吗; 是否可能
  • "by-talk" 中文翻译 :    闲话;杂谈。
  • "t talk" 中文翻译 :    呼叫,联络
  • "talk" 中文翻译 :    vi. 谈话,商谈,(用动作等)表示意思;(用无线电)通信;饶舌,唠叨;空谈;(开水壶)嚷叫,发响。 vt. 讲,谈;谈着消磨(光阴);谈论;讲着话使…(into; out of)。 Let's sit down and talk. 让我们坐下来谈谈。 Talk in English 用英语讲。 Talk English 讲英语。 Talk politics 谈政治。 Talk a child to sleep 用话哄孩子睡。 (He would) talk a horse's [a donkey's] hind leg off =talk the bark off a tree 〔美国〕讲个不停,滔滔不绝地讲。 Talk oneself hoarse (out of breath) 讲得声音嘶哑(喘不过气来)。 Talk in one's sleep 说梦话。 People will talk. 人家会说闲话的,人言可畏。 Money talks. 金钱万能。 Talk a leg off =talkan arm off 〔美国〕说个不停,刺刺不休。 Talk about 讲(某事),谈论(What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? I do not want to be talked about. 我不愿意给人议论)。 The accused begins to talk. 被告开始交代了。 Talk against time 说话消磨时间。 Talk at 暗指着…说,影射某人。 Talk away 说着话消磨(时间);靠讲话来忘记(恐怖等)。 Talk baby 用对小孩子讲话的口气说 (to)。 Talk back 反唇相讥,回嘴。 Talk big [tall] 〔俚语〕夸口,吹牛。 Talk business 谈正经事。 Talk (cold) turkey 〔美国〕照实说,老老实实说;正正经经讨论,讨论基本问题。 Talk down 驳倒;放低嗓子说;放大声音盖过其他声音;【航空】(用无线电)引导着陆。 Talk from the point 离题,说得不着边际。 Talk (sb.) into [out of] 说服(某人)做[停止做]…。 Talk of 讲,谈论;说要(T- of the devil, and he will appear 说到曹操,曹操就到。He is talking of going abroad. 他说要出国去。Talking of… 说到,讲到)。 Talk one's head off 〔美国〕=talk a leg off 说个没完。 Talk out 尽量谈;彻底说,说完;〔英国〕将(议案的)讨论拖到闭会而悬置不决。 Talk out of turn 〔美俚〕弄错;干涉,阻碍。 Talk over 1.vi. 商谈,商量。 2.vt. 说服。 talk round 1.vi. 转弯抹角地讲。 2.vt. 说服;说得使回心转意。 Talkshop 讲自己的本行话[事情]。 Talk the talk 〔美口〕只说不做。 Talk the talk,walk the walk 说到做到。 Talk through one's hat =talk through (the back of) one's neck 〔口语〕夸张,吹牛;乱说。 Talk to 向…谈;〔口语〕申斥,劝谏(I'll talk to him. 要说他一顿了)。 Talk to hear one's teeth rattle 〔美国〕胡说。 Talk to oneself 自言自语。 Talk together 商量,谈判。 Talk United States 〔美国〕说明美国公民的意见;讲英语;讲美国话。 Talk up 大声讲,明白地讲;〔美国〕讨论。 n. 谈话;商谈,商议,谈判;讲演;谣传;话题,话柄;空话;隐语,黑话;方言;语调,口气。 Big talk 〔美口〕大话。 An idle talk 无聊话,闲扯,山海经。 Small talk 闲谈。 Tall talk 大话。 I heard it in talk. 我是听人传说的。 He is all talk. 他只会说(不会做)。 It will end in talk. 还不过是空话[传闻]罢了。 That's the talk. 〔美国〕好,洗耳恭听。 All talk and no cider 议而不决,空谈而无结果。 Make a talk 造成口实,使人议论。 Make talk 一味空谈;闲聊。
  • "talk -in" 中文翻译 :    演讲示威
  • "talk at" 中文翻译 :    含沙射影地说
  • "talk into" 中文翻译 :    劝说做某事; 说服……做……; 说服;劝说某人做某事
  • "talk of" 中文翻译 :    谈到, 说到, 说及; 谈到,谈起; 谈到;考虑到; 谈到或谈起某事; 谈话; 谈论,议论; 谈论;议论
  • "talk on" 中文翻译 :    继续谈
  • "talk on and on" 中文翻译 :    谈个不停; 直说个没完
  • "talk to" 中文翻译 :    对……说; 跟….谈话(二字); 跟某人谈话; 交谈; 与…….说话; 与…谈话; 责备
  • "talk with" 中文翻译 :    和......说; 和…交谈; 和谁交谈; 同...交流; 与交流; 与…交谈,试图说服; 与…交谈,试图说服
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